Our vision mission
& values


We believe that a more conscious world is possible and we know that some individuals and organisations are ready to make it happen. We believe that there is a new generation of high conscious people that can make it possible, every day in every part of the world. Our vision is to help those individuals and organisations that want to go one step further to increase their level of efficiency, consciousness, and wellbeing through the development of Inner Management.


We aim to achieve our vision by fostering the correct management of the inner self through education, mentoring and coaching.
It involves creating a holistic approach that emphasizes personal growth, self-awareness, and continuous learning.


Knowledge & Truth

We encourage individuals and organisations to foster their inner knowledge and we train them to align them with universal truths

Care & Respect

We train individuals and organisations to design and create structures based on knowledge to then implement them through caring strategies


We train individuals and organisations with the ultimate goal of attaining inner peace as it is only through individual inner

IMI is an independent, non religious, non political organization that believes that the changes that need to happen in the world will come through the development of individuals that are ready to reach a higher level of consciousness. We aim to provide the framework to reach it with the right tools and care. The founding principles of the institute are truth, care and peace.