At IMI we care about the confidentiality and security of all our users. For this reason, we are committed to guaranteeing your privacy at all times and not collecting information that is not strictly necessary. Our Privacy Policy regulates how we manage the personal data of all users who access or contact IMI through our website or via email.

Please find bellow all the necessary information about our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data we process, answering the following questions:

Who processes my data?

IMI, Inner Management Institute, Barrio Slato del Oso, 8, ramales de la Victoria, 39800 Cantabria, (Spain)

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

For what purpose is my data processed and what is the basis that legitimizes its processing?

All the personal data that we request from IMI are necessary for our activity and to offer you our services appropriately. Failure to provide them may mean that it is impossible for us to contact you or manage the request you have requested.

IMI reserves the right not to respond or not to process requests that do not include the personal data requested. The direct provision of personal data requires a minimum age of 14 years, or, where applicable, having sufficient legal capacity to contract. To this end, you guarantee the veracity of the personal data provided to IMI through the website or by email, and may periodically ask you to review and update the personal data that we keep about you.

In the following sections we describe the different purposes for which your personal data is processed at IMI and the bases that legitimize the processing:


Purpose: to provide you with a means so that you can contact us and respond to your queries, requests for information or suggestions. Also this form is for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can respond to your queries, requests for information or suggestions, as well as so that we can send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services, and activities by any means (including electronically) if you check the acceptance box.

The treatment may also be legitimized based on the pre-contractual or contractual relationship that may exist between you and IMI.


Purpose: send you a preliminary evaluation of your profile based on your data. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the pre-contractual or contractual relationship that may exist between you and IMI, as well as the express consent that you have given for us to send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic) if you mark the acceptance box.


Purpose: send you the information brochure that you have requested. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can send you the information brochure that you have requested, as well as so that we can send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic) if you check the acceptance box .

The treatment may also be legitimized based on the pre-contractual or contractual relationship that may exist between you and IMI.


Purpose: formalize your registration as a donor. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the pre-contractual or contractual relationship that may exist between you and IMI, as well as the express consent that you have given for us to send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic) if you mark the acceptance box.


Purpose: formalize your registration and participation in the selected event. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can formalize your registration and participation in the selected event, as well as so that we can send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronically) if you check the box. acceptance.


Purpose: formalize your registration and participation in the club or the selected activity. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can formalize your registration and participation in the club or the selected activity, as well as so that we can send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronically). if you check the acceptance box.

REGISTRATION FORM FOR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT IMI Purpose: to have your resume so that you can participate in our personnel selection processes.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given when sending your resume to be able to participate in our personnel selection processes. The treatment may also be legitimized based on the pre-contractual or contractual relationship that may exist between you and IMI.


Purpose: subscribe to our blogs or other publications. Also for us to send you communications about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronic means, such as email, SMS or WhatsApp), as long as you check the corresponding acceptance box. Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can formalize your subscription to the blogs or other selected publications, as well as so that we can send you advertising and commercial information about our products, services and activities by any means (including electronically) if you check the acceptance box. Simply browsing our website will generally not involve the processing of your personal data. Only in specific cases will information be collected about your IP address and data related to your browsing, with the purpose of managing and optimizing the website based on IMI’s legitimate interest in preserving the security and integrity of the page.


Purpose: formalize your registration and participation in the editing and publication of studies, projects, articles, surveys or research carried out by IMI, other students or professors.

Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can formalize your registration and participation in the activity in question.


Purpose: provide internet access to guests who come to IMI. Legitimation: the express consent that you have given so that we can formalize your access to the internet. How long does IMI keep my data? The retention period for your personal data is set based on the duration of your relationship with IMI and the legally established periods. Specifically, we will keep your data until it is no longer necessary for the indicated purpose, until you withdraw the corresponding consent or until the period required to comply with a legal obligation that requires its subsequent conservation ends. In the case of personnel selection processes, we will keep your data until one year has passed from the completion of the selection process or from the receipt of your resume. When your relationship with IMI ends, we will proceed to delete your personal data once we have managed all the necessary actions to terminate any obligation derived from said relationship.

Without prejudice to the above, your data will be kept and duly blocked, as long as responsibilities may arise from the execution of our contractual or pre-contractual relationship, as well as for compliance with other legal obligations under the responsibility of IMI.

Thus, IMI will adopt technical and organizational measures to prevent the processing of your data (including its visualization), except if, in any case, it is necessary to make it available to judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office or the competent Public Administrations, in particularly, if they are data protection authorities in cases of demand for possible responsibilities derived from the processing of the above data and only for the period of prescription of those responsibilities.

What are my rights and how can I exercise them?

Right of access

You can ask us to confirm whether we are processing your personal data at IMI and, if so, you have the right to access your data and certain information provided by law.

Right to rectification

You have the right to request rectification of your data when it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to erasure

You can request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Right to limit data processing

In certain circumstances, you can request the limitation of the processing of your data. In these cases, we can only process them, except for their conservation, with your consent for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of important public interest at national or Community level.

Right to data portability

In certain circumstances, you will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you and that you have provided to IMI and to transmit it directly to a new data controller.

Right to object

You may object to the processing of your data. In this case, IMI will stop processing them, unless we prove compelling legitimate reasons for their processing that prevail over your own interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise, or defence of possible claims.

Other rights recognized by current regulations

You can exercise your rights by writing (accompanied by proof of your identity) to the IMI Data Protection Officer: by email, to the address, or in writing, to the following postal address: Barrio Salto del Oso 35, 8, Ramales de la Victoria, 39800 Cantabria, Spain.

You can also revoke the consents you have previously given us at any time. To do so, contact IMI through the postal address or email address indicated above.

The withdrawal of these consents does not condition, in any case, the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. Finally, you also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority if, for our part, your request is not processed within a maximum period of one month from when you submitted it. Likewise, if you wish to obtain more information about your rights regarding the protection of personal data, you can contact: Spanish Data Protection Agency Calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001, Madrid (Spain)

Can IMI transfer my data to third parties?

IMI may transfer the personal data that you have provided to us to third parties, if there is a specific obligation to do so. If this is the case, we must transmit this information to public authorities, in order to comply with their requirements and applicable regulations.

How is the security of my data guaranteed at IMI?

At IMI we have appropriate technical and organizational policies and measures to safeguard and protect your personal data against unwanted actions, such as illegal or unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction, damage, and illegal or unauthorized use and unauthorized disclosure.

Additionally, we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that IMI employees who have access to your personal data have received the necessary training to treat it with appropriate caution.

Can I update my details?

When there is a change to your personal data, we ask you to notify us as soon as possible to keep our database updated. Otherwise, we will not be able to answer for their veracity. We are not responsible for the Privacy Policy regarding the personal data that you may provide to third parties through the links available on our website.

This Privacy Policy may be modified to adapt it to changes that occur on our website, as well as as a result of legislative or jurisprudential modifications that may appear, so it is necessary that you read it again each time you provide us with your data through on this website or by email.

More information and contact

If you have questions about the processing of your personal data at IMI, you can contact us by email at or, in writing, at the following postal address: Barrio Salto del Oso 35, 8, Ramales de la Victoria, 39800 Cantabria, Spain.