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Welcome to the Inner Management Institute (IMI)!

The IMI is the world’s largest provider of INNER MANAGEMENT COURSES through live and online training. It is a private institute with offices in 18 countries offering courses for individuals, companies and public or private organisations in need of assistance to solve their problems, achieve their goals and fulfil their dreams.

Empowerment Through Inner Management

Explore life-changing courses at the Inner Management Institute, designed to empower individuals and organisations.
Our programs offer a unique blend of practical tools and insights
that promote personal and professional growth.

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M. Comedor
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I am glad every day that I took the decision to do the Master in Inner Coaching. Thanks to a modern, dynamic and well-organised approach, the course was wonderful and very complete, with theoretical study and practical time. The teachers and the IMI, in general, are very professional.
Y. Calles
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The content of the course not only provides us with the tools and knowledge to allow us to dedicate ourselves to the wonderful profession of coaching, but it also helps us to grow emotionally, thereby improving our well-being and that of our loved ones.

Thank you, IMI!
E. Mayo
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The IMI courses have a very practical approach, allowing you to study real coaching cases and group dynamics in detail in class, as well as reflective questions and exercises to do at home. The course has a powerful and very complete content, and the Director (IMI) is an intelligent, motivated professional with enormous knowledge in the field.
C. Serrano
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What has impressed me most about the course, apart from the content, the professionals, and the structure of both the face-to-face and online learning, is the authentic experience provided by the coaches. I am happy with my personal growth, and in particular I have enjoyed seeing people not only truly achieve things that they never thought they were capable of achieving, but also come out the process very empowered, not letting anything or anyone stop them from moving forward with their lives and with their plan to be who they really want to be.
S. Estepa
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I have learned a lot! have been able to discover fears in myself based on beliefs that I was not even aware of. Noticing them has allowed me to recognise them in my family and in my environment, and to be able to relativise them in order to transcend them. I have been able to see in myself the famous “paralysis by analysis,” a ball of thoughts that distanced me from reality and blocked me, until I was paralysed with fear. The course, with its tools, group sessions and support, made me remember the resources within me to take charge of myself, my life, and my dreams.
F.L Ramones
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learnt that there are many ways to reach the core of the human being. Inner Management and its tools are highly effective in supporting the growth process of teams in companies. It helps them to get to know themselves and to do personal development work with their true and deep being.
A. Lops
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The IMI courses help us to recognise ourselves and how our mind and subconscious work. The courses allow us to recognise our beliefs, fears, thoughts and/or emotions, and teach us to see how we function in order to achieve our objectives, goals or needs. After years of training, I have come to understand that it is only by reconnecting with the essence of human being that we can heal our wounds and thus achieve our full potential, gaining personal and professional freedom and personal happiness.
L. Poiters
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Thanks to the Inner Coaching sessions I have learnt to recognise what “Limiting Beliefs” are (ideas and mechanisms of the mind that reside in our unconscious), the power and influence they have on us, on our thoughts and the importance of being able to identify and neutralise them so that we can finally change them. I have come to understand that with them we keep many of the patterns and habits within us that we have learned and inherited from our parents, that although they are no longer healthy for us adults and continue to generate pain and suffering, they are part of our character, but in this way we are, unconsciously, honouring our parents, just in the wrong way. This is like keeping a lie alive. I have understood that honouring my parents by repeating their same mistakes, by believing their same lies, is negative for me, and I have understood that I have to start using my maximum potential, I have to honour myself: respecting myself, caring for myself, accompanying myself and flowing with life from my true and deep being, without the lies of the ego..
A. Juppers
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs as well as for those around me, such as my team. I have learnt to consider my needs before the needs of others, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and professional life... And although I cannot change certain circumstances now, I already know how to plan without suffering or blaming myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
F. Ballarino
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The IMI training has made me feel grateful for life and the opportunities it offers, In the Master of Inner Coaching, I was reminded of the need and importance to repeat as a habit, to stay as long as possible in FULL CONSCIOUSNESS, a state I know from meditation and as a Gestalt therapist. Something that is also so important in our daily lives and that also requires continuous training.
A. Campaña
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Thanks to the Master of Inner Coaching, I have understood the importance of working on the Coachee's unconscious to strengthen their path to personal vision and personal support, and always from a perspective of respect, which is what we really need to change. I have understood that ONLY LOVE IS WHAT REALLY ALLOWS US TO CHANGE.
J. Villar
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Inner Coaching has been an incredibly powerful experience for me, transforming my way of thinking, my actions, my beliefs... a whole transformation process that has come at a crucial moment of existential professional crisis. I honestly did not expect so much good, so much personal benefit from a coaching process.
J. Carella
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The IMI courses have made me realise that I am a strong, determined professional, with great resources, with a noble heart, who likes to accompany others on their path to discovering their own worth.
C. Carol
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Thanks to the IMI training, I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is unbalanced. I have come to the conclusion that there are three types of generic self-esteem, which I will study in depth and apply in my professional career. I remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the universe.
E. Centeno
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For me, Inner Coaching is the key tool and language that companies need in the world of personal growth that is 100% linked to professional success. Thanks to an Inner Coaching process I have learnt that the path is much faster and more accurate when we work from our inner truth. At the, IMI I was accompanied by a coach who reminded me that I am unique and extraordinary, like every human being, and that I am capable of anything if I want to. I understood that if I am on the right path, I can recognise what is right and what is wrong.
M. Galano
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The most important thing I have learnt from the IMI training is that fears can be overcome. I have also learnt that I am capable of active listening out of non-judgmental and unconditional love.
L. Fernandes
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The IMI courses have been a total growth experience at a historical moment such as the COVID period. Thanks to the three trainings that I have undertaken, I have been able to organise my thoughts, ideas, fears and emotions, and expand my vision through clarity, focus, structure, and action.
S. Estepa
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IMI's online meetings have given me more clarity, strength, and motivation at a crucial moment in my life. With the Inner Coaching Master, I have achieved impressive results thanks to the support of our coach as well as my colleagues. Thank you all!
H. Ballena
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Thanks to Inner Coaching, I have learnt a lot about myself. I started with the Master when I felt so devastated as a person, sunk personally and professionally, without direction or answers, but I also had no questions... I was totally lost... Little by little, I went deeper into myself, identifying and dismantling fears and beliefs, accepting realities I could not control, discovering wonderful people to learn from... and step by step I got to know a new version of myself with a new vision.
B. Gracia
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The Inner Coaching Master has been a wonderful experience, a process of deep personal growth, reconnection, and personal enrichment. From the beginning to the end, including all the theoretical-didactic material that we have received, the thematic videos of the classes, the enriching live and online classes with IMI, my classmates with the cases they presented, the coach supervision, their approaches and returns, observations and answers to our difficulties, doubts and questions, always elevating the work towards something beyond us, without specifically naming it, it has moved me. I woke up and expanded again. The entire topic of being from another level of consciousness that maintains the basis of our reality. Now, I am more awake, happier and more effective.
L. N.Lik
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Thanks to the IMI courses, my self-esteem and my self-worth have been strengthened, but also in the eyes of others. I have more energy and more tools for my work as a therapist and supporting others. It was also very enriching to be able to see first-hand how a coach works. She has always supported, taught and guided us with love and non-judgment. She was always open and fully present in our meetings, which kept us engaged and made it a very enjoyable experience.
D. Foucalt
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In my case, the IMI courses have helped me understand the issue of transmission and inheritance of the chain of family pain from one generation to another and from parents to children. They have enabled me to see how and why we maintain or even perpetuate it... and to grasp how, from Inner Coaching, you can see a way out. I feel very encouraged in this direction.
H. Hans
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The IMI courses were a fantastic opportunity for personal growth. I recognised my fears, I talked to them, I faced them, I discovered myself, I forgave myself, I understood myself, and above all I understood the meaning of “I did what I could in every moment of my life.” I understood what it meant to listen to myself and to rebuild myself with the eyes of my own soul. The Inner Coaching Master has influenced my life in such a way that it is wonderful to see the results in various aspects of it now.
J. Canella
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Thanks to the Inner Coaching process, my thoughts are less negative towards myself, which gives me security in my work and serenity at home. I observe my feelings, what they are saying, what needs to be covered, and I speak from there. Now I am more compassionate, I am more consistent with my own care and that leads me to care, to understand others, I respect myself and it shows, people see it and speak to me kindly. As for communication, I use the Non-Violent Communication System, which I have improved with some training, and it has allowed me to communicate without conflict. What I see and feel most is that by respecting myself, taking care of myself, and listening to myself, my environment has changed, and my vision of life has also expanded.
G. Cuevas
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Thanks to the IMI training, I have been able to realise a truly relevant aspect of my being. For years, I have been doing courses, retreats, using tools, dynamics, etc. of personal growth. There are always aspects that can be improved. Life is a sum of causalities, and the Universe sends us all the possibilities so that we can take advantage of them. Of my entire personal growth journey, I believe this was the greatest opportunity for growth at a professional level.
R. Hernan
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The IMI courses have influenced the way I relate to people, and even the way I relate to animals. I am a calmer person, I think carefully about what I say, I have learnt to “read between the lines,” what people are trying to tell me, not just what they tell me. I feel like a happier and more generous person now.
A. Loma-Osorio
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Inner Coaching as taught by the IMI is for me a tool for self-awareness and a gateway to knowing who we are on both levels of being (the psychological and the deep), for both the coachee and the coach. Putting into practice tools such as listening, establishing rapport, non-judgment, non-identification, placing oneself in the not knowing to "help" others. I see it as a meditative, mindful experience or like any artistic activity... in which one forgets oneself in order to connect with the other. The Master has taught me not to criticise, but to give my opinion. Not to react but to respond. Not to judge, but to discern. Not to get attached, but love.
X. Fernandez
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Inner Coaching has been a turning point. I am a totally different person from the one who started the Master. I have learned new tools, skills, and knowledge to be able to give the best of myself and to help others. Although I know that I still have a long way to go, what I have done in these months has laid a foundation for me that I will carry with me forever.
M. Juarez
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The Inner Coaching process at IMI has been a wonderful opportunity for personal growth. The weekly sessions and the changes I have made to the sales team have been amazing. We have all learned something that has helped us to continue working better in the future.

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