We believe that a more conscious world is possible.

We believe that there is a new generation of high conscious people that can make it possible, every day in every part of the world.

Our vision is to help people form all over the world to increase their level of consciousness, be fulfilled and be in touch with likeminded people supporting each other in which every way possible.


We aim to achieve our vision by fostering education and training, by conducting scientific research and by creating a community of high consciousness people all over the world.

We have experienced that the four pillars of consciousness include educational activities, meditation, physical exercise and creative activities.

We are IMI

More than 60 years creating tomorrow

IMI (Inner Management Institute) is your trusted partner in achieving Inner Management Mastery. Explore our certified courses for a transformative journey towards improved wellbeing and self-motivation.

Discover Inner Management Institute (IMI)

IMI stands as the global leader in INNER MANAGEMENT COURSES, offering unparalleled live and online training to individuals, companies, and organizations. As a private institute dedicated to empowerment, IMI specializes in helping you overcome challenges, achieve goals, and realize your dreams.

With a commitment to delivering quality-infused learning solutions, IMI has become the foremost authority in INNER MANAGEMENT COURSES. Our extensive experience and internationally recognized trust set us apart as market leaders, providing impactful education to a diverse audience.

Join our vibrant community of learners and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth. Our dynamic international team conducts courses, training, and coaching, ensuring accessibility for a global audience. IMI owes its inception to Dr. Irina de la Flor, a Spanish researcher, professor, and public speaker who devoted over two decades to understanding the intricate connection between mind and consciousness.

Welcome to a transformative adventure with IMI, where empowerment and fulfillment become a way of life

Empowerment Through Inner Management

Discover a realm of personal and professional empowerment at IMI. Our transformative courses, founded by Dr. Irina de la Flor, provide practical tools and insights for overcoming challenges and realizing your potential. Join a global community dedicated to growth, resilience, and fulfillment, and embark on a journey of positive change through the power of inner management.

Education for everyone

At the Inner Management Institute, we uphold a set of core values that guide our actions and define our identity

Finding your own space and utilize better learning options can result in faster than the traditional ways. Enjoy the beauty of eLearning!


We conduct ourselves with the highest level of integrity in all our interactions, ensuring transparency and honesty.

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We empower individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential, fostering personal and collective growth.

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We embrace diversity and inclusivity, creating a global community where people from all backgrounds can thrive.

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We continuously seek innovative approaches in our courses, training, and research to stay at the forefront of personal.

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Global Multilingual Training with Inner Management Methodology

Our international team offers courses, training and coaching in 8 different languages and organises live and on line courses and events so everyone can benefit from every part of the world. lt was founded thanks to the kind support of people that benefit from Inner Management methodology created by Dr. Irina de la Flor, a Spanish researcher, professor and public speaker that dedicated more than 20 years of her life to help others understanding the mechanics between mind and consciousness.


G. Peralt
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I am very happy to have studied at IMI, it is a very professional institute where all teach-ers and office staff are extremely friendly and kind. They help me from day one to under-stand what was best for me. My life has changed thanks to what I learned from them.
C. Garcia
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I met Irina during one of her magnificent lectures and I "fell in love" with her personality and how she transmits knowledge, she is able to make the complex relationships be-tween mind and consciousness easy. I studied the Master in Executive...
B. Fernandez
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IMI is an inspiring place like no other and Irina an excellent professional, who teaches you from inside, making your conscious ness grow. I felt motivated, encourage and with a vision about my life like never before. She speaks from the soul...
B. Fernandez
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IMI is an inspiring place like no other and Irina an excellent professional, who teaches you from inside, making your conscious ness grow. I felt motivated, encourage and with a vision about my life like never before. She speaks from the soul...
A. Molina
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IMI is an excellent platform, and Irina de la Flor an inspiring leader. She is able to see the best in each person and in each group. She helps students to bring out the best in themselves, to reflect, to share and to go beyond the superficial self. IMI courses are able to create spaces for dialogue and reflection, without judgment, in which it is easy to be oneself and, therefore, to be able to learn, share and grow. Irina has an extensive knowledge and experience in the subjects she teaches and she is very generous in sharing her knowledge.
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I am glad every day that I made the decision to do the Master in Inner Coaching. Thanks to a modern, dynamic, and well-organized approach, the course has been wonderful and very complete, with theoretical, study and practical time. The teachers and IMI, in general, are very professional.
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The content of the course not only provides us with the tools and knowledge so that we can dedicate ourselves to this wonderful profession which is Coaching, but it also helps us to grow emotionally, and consequently improve our well-being and of our loved ones.
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IMI courses have a very practical approach, which allows you to do a detailed study of real Coaching cases, group dynamics in class and reflective questions and exercises to do at home. The course has powerful and very complete content, and the Director (Irina De la Flor) is an intelligent, motivated professional with enormous knowledge in the area.Thanks IMI!
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What has impacted me most about the course, apart from its contents, the professionals, and the structure of face-to-face and online learning, is the real experience of coach people. I feel happy for my personal contribution to the persons growth, specifically, I have liked to see how people not only truly achieve things that they never thought they could achieve, but also come out very strengthened from the process, without letting anything or anyone can discourage them from moving forward with their lives and with their plan to be who they really want to be.
S. Estepa
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I have learned a lot! have been able to discover fears in myself based on beliefs that I was not even aware of. Seeing them has allowed me to recognize them in my family and in my environment, and to be able to relativize them to transcend them. I have been able to see in myself the famous “paralysis by analysis”, a ball of thoughts that distanced me from reality, and blocked myself, until paralyze me by fear. The course with its tools, group sessions and support made me remember the resources within me to take charge of myself, my life, and my dreams.
F.L Ramones
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned that there are many ways to reach the core of the human being. Inner Management with its tools is very effective in helping the growth process of teams in companies. It helps them get to know themselves and do personal development work with their true and deep being.
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned that there are many ways to reach the core of the human being. Inner Management with its tools is very effective in helping the growth process of teams in companies. It helps them get to know themselves and do personal development work with their true and deep being.
L. Poiters
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Thanks to the Inner Coaching sessions I have learned to recognize what “Limiting Beliefs” are (ideas and mechanisms of the mind that reside in our unconscious), the power and influence they have on ourselves, on our thoughts and the importance of to be able to identify and neutralize them, to finally be able to change them. I have understood that with them we maintain many of the patterns and habits in us, learned and inherited from our parents, that although they are no longer healthy for us adults and continue to generate pain and suffering, they are part of our character, but in this way we are, unconsciously, honouring our parents, just in the wrong way. This is equivalent to keeping a lie alive. I have understood that honouring my parents by repeating their same mistakes by believing their same lies is negative for me, and I have understood that I must begin to use my maximum potential, I must honour myself: respecting myself, caring for myself, accompanying me and flowing with life from my true and deep being, without the lies of the EGO.
Ana Juppers
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs and for those who surround me, such as my team. I have learned to consider my needs before people needs, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and work life... And although now I cannot change certain circumstances, I already know how to plan without suffering or reproaching myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
F Ballarino
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs and for those who surround me, such as my team. I have learned to consider my needs before people needs, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and work life... And although now I cannot change certain circumstances, I already know how to plan without suffering or reproaching myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
A. Campaña
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs and for those who surround me, such as my team. I have learned to consider my needs before people needs, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and work life... And although now I cannot change certain circumstances, I already know how to plan without suffering or reproaching myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
Javier Villar
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Inner Coaching has been a truly powerful experience for me, transforming my way of thinking, my actions, my beliefs... a whole transformation process that has come at a crucial moment of existential and work crisis. I honestly did not expect so much good, so much personal benefit from a Coaching process.
Julia Carella
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Inner Coaching has been a truly powerful experience for me, transforming my way of thinking, my actions, my beliefs... a whole transformation process that has come at a crucial moment of existential and work crisis. I honestly did not expect so much good, so much personal benefit from a Coaching process.
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Thanks to the IMI training I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is not well balanced. I have concluded that there are three types of generic self-esteem, and I am going to study it in depth and apply it in my professional career. I have remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the Universe.
E. Centeno
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Thanks to the IMI training I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is not well balanced. I have concluded that there are three types of generic self-esteem, and I am going to study it in depth and apply it in my professional career. I have remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the Universe.
M. Galano
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Thanks to the IMI training I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is not well balanced. I have concluded that there are three types of generic self-esteem, and I am going to study it in depth and apply it in my professional career. I have remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the Universe.
L. Fernandes
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Thanks to the IMI training I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is not well balanced. I have concluded that there are three types of generic self-esteem, and I am going to study it in depth and apply it in my professional career. I have remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the Universe.
S. Estepa
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Thanks to IMI's online meetings I have received more clarity, strength, and motivation at a crucial moment in my life. With the Inner Coaching Master, I have received great results thanks to the support of our great teacher Irina as well as my colleagues. Thank you all!
H. Ballena
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Thanks to Inner coaching, I have learned many things about myself. I started the Master when I felt so devastated person, sunk personally and professionally, without direction, without answers, but I also did not have any questions... I was totally lost... little by little, I went deeper inside, identifying, and dismantling fears, beliefs, accepting realities that I could not control, discovering wonderful people to learn from... and step by step I got to know a new version of me with a new vision.
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have come out strengthened in my self-esteem and my self-worth, but also in people’s eyes. I have got more energy and more tools for my work as a therapist and support for others. It has also been very enriching to be able to see in first line how Irina worked as a Coach. She has always supported us, taught us, and accompanied us with love and non-judgment. She has always been open and full present in our meetings which kept us engage and it was very pleasant.
D. Foucalt
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In my case, the IMI courses have helped me understand the issue of transmission and inheritance of the chain of family pain from one generation to another and from parents to children, to see, how and why we maintain or even perpetuate it... and to see how, from Inner Coaching, you can give it a way out. I feel very encouraged in this direction.
H. Hans
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The IMI courses have been a great opportunity for personal growth. I have noticed my fears, I talked to them, I faced them, I discovered myself, I forgave myself, I understood myself, and above all I understood the meaning of “I did what I could in every moment of my life.” I understood what it means to listen to myself and rebuild myself with the eyes of my own soul. The Inner Coaching Master has influenced my life in such a way that it is wonderful to now see the results in various aspects of it.
J. Canella
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The IMI courses have been a great opportunity for personal growth. I have noticed my fears, I talked to them, I faced them, I discovered myself, I forgave myself, I understood myself, and above all I understood the meaning of “I did what I could in every moment of my life.” I understood what it means to listen to myself and rebuild myself with the eyes of my own soul. The Inner Coaching Master has influenced my life in such a way that it is wonderful to now see the results in various aspects of it.
A. Loma-Osorio
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Inner Coaching taught by Irina is for me a tool for self-knowledge and a gateway to knowing what we are on both levels of being (the psychological and the deep), for both the coachee and the coach. Put into practice tools such as listening, establishing rapport, non-judgment, non-identification, placing yourself in the not knowing to "help" others. I experience it as a meditative, attentional experience or like any artistic activity... in which one forgets of oneself to connect with the other. The Master has have taught me not to criticize, but to give my opinion. Not reacting but responding. Not to judge, but to discern. Not to get attached, but love.