Personal Change

The person who is going to change and transform your life: You

When undertaking a professional or personal change, one must focus on the motivations and aspirations.

1 – What is important to you?

2 – What are the obstacles that you are facing?

3 – How can you go through the challenges and give your best?

4 – What are your long-term

ambitions and what opportunities do you have to achieve them?

Our Coaching and Mentoring services, organized by the Alumni team, will help you gain confidence, strengthen your skills both personally and professional change, to achieve your goals.


Inner Coaching is a very powerful personal & professional development tool to overcome obstacles and achieve new goals in your life. Inner Coaching is based on the person who is going to change and transform your life: you.

Through Coaching we will help you to experience a process of personal transformation that will lead you to live new experiences, achieve new goals, achieve more clarity and self-confidence, and leave behind situations in your life that were related to something that was not you. Every experience and challenge will be used to grow and improve yourself.

In Coaching you will focusing on 3 main pillars:


The goal is for you to know yourself better. Knowing what you are like is essential to well define your professional aspirations.


The most important thing is to understand that any challenge you are facing is rooted and related to an inner obstacle that needs to be solved for you to move on. Inner obstacles will be replaced with new information.


Once you have untangled the inner obstacles that were limiting your full potential you just need to create clear goals and materialised the new information you have been given to create your new reality.

Once you have untangled the inner obstacles that were limiting your full potential you just need to create clear goals and materialised the new information you have been given to create your new reality.



Mentoring is a practice in which a mentor, an experienced person, teaches and guides an apprentice or mentee in their training. The objective is for the latter to develop their potential talent through the transfer of knowledge in a process in which a relationship of trust is established between both parties. The role of the mentor is to guide and accompany the apprentice in their professional development, but also in their personal development. The Inner mentor acts by being the person in charge of transmitting Inner values to his or her mentee.

Inner Mentoring objectives include:

1 – Contribute to personal and professional development of a person, increasing knowledge in certain areas.

2 – Help identify problems and overcome obstacles that prevent this development.

3 – Improve the self-confidence and empowerment of the mentored person, including their leadership capacity.

4 – Promote autonomy and decision making. Increase learner motivation. Create links and contacts that in the future can be very useful, both for the mentor and the apprentice, generating networking.

5 – Develop excellent communication skills.


Both Coaching and mentoring program format is 10 weeks with a dedication of 2-4 hours per week including 10 individual coaching /mentoring sessions.

How can I sign up for the program? This program is exclusive for IMI Alumni:

General price for Alumni General: 1850 euros.

Special price for Alumni Members of the Alumni Association: 950 euros.

If you are interested in becoming a Member of the IMI Alumni Association, please contact

If you want to know more about the Coaching/ Mentoring program please contact the team person in charge of the geographical area you are calling from.

For more information: