Federico Lizzio

Business Consultant, Lecturer, and Certified Coach

Graduated in Communication and Advertising from the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Federico Lizzio complemented his education with a Master’s Degree in Business Management from “Petrini & Associati”. He has extensive experience in consulting, management and personal development. His experience in leadership and team management has strengthened over the years.

He worked as Business development Director at Euro RSCG Life and as Organizational Management Director at Bristol Myers Squibb. Previously, Federico worked as a personal development consultant at Fides Consulting in Rome, where he contributed to the optimization of resources and investments for growing companies. In addition, he was founder and CEO of NoLogoFactory SRL, a communications and advertising agency with a portfolio of internationally renowned clients. Currently, Federico has added Coach skills to his work as a Management Consultant and Trainer.