Volunteer work

If you are an IMI graduated Coach and you want to help others to have a better life, you can contact us to see if there are an available position for you.

Here are some of the testimonials we receive monthly thanks to the IMI Social Coaching Volunteers group.


G. Peralt
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I am very happy to have studied at IMI, it is a very professional institute where all teach-ers and office staff are extremely friendly and kind. They help me from day one to under-stand what was best for me. My life has changed thanks to what I learned from them.
M. Comedor
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I am glad every day that I made the decision to do the Master in Inner Coaching. Thanks to a modern, dynamic, and well-organized approach, the course has been wonderful and very complete, with theoretical, study and practical time. The teachers and IMI, in general, are very professional.
S. Estepa
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I have learned a lot! have been able to discover fears in myself based on beliefs that I was not even aware of. Seeing them has allowed me to recognize them in my family and in my environment, and to be able to relativize them to transcend them. I have been able to see in myself the famous “paralysis by analysis”, a ball of thoughts that distanced me from reality, and blocked myself, until paralyze me by fear. The course with its tools, group sessions and support made me remember the resources within me to take charge of myself, my life, and my dreams.
F. Ramones
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned that there are many ways to reach the core of the human being. Inner Management with its tools is very effective in helping the growth process of teams in companies. It helps them get to know themselves and do personal development work with their true and deep being.
A. Lops
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned that there are many ways to reach the core of the human being. Inner Management with its tools is very effective in helping the growth process of teams in companies. It helps them get to know themselves and do personal development work with their true and deep being.
F. Ballarino
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs and for those who surround me, such as my team. I have learned to consider my needs before people needs, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and work life... And although now I cannot change certain circumstances, I already know how to plan without suffering or reproaching myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
A. Campaña
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Thanks to the IMI courses I have learned to love, value, respect and care for myself and my needs and for those who surround me, such as my team. I have learned to consider my needs before people needs, without confusing my circumstances with my worth, both in my private and work life... And although now I cannot change certain circumstances, I already know how to plan without suffering or reproaching myself for not being able to change the things I want to change in my life.
J. Carella
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Inner Coaching has been a truly powerful experience for me, transforming my way of thinking, my actions, my beliefs... a whole transformation process that has come at a crucial moment of existential and work crisis. I honestly did not expect so much good, so much personal benefit from a Coaching process.
C. Carol
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Thanks to the IMI training I have discovered that the level of perfectionism and self-demand has a lot to do with low self-esteem, or at least with a self-esteem that is not well balanced. I have concluded that there are three types of generic self-esteem, and I am going to study it in depth and apply it in my professional career. I have remembered and reinforced that I cannot stop meditating even for a day, that consciousness needs consciousness to decode the language of the Universe.